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 SLMM patrons 

Mary Carroll Nelson 

Shirley Barnes

Mary Ann Beckwith

Tamera Bedford

Judie Bordic

Robin Brooks

Sue Burke-Harrington

Peggy Carmichael

Carla Duncan

Kathy Farr

Catherine Fraser





Etemad Family Fund

Judi Foster

MacDonald Grant

Rachel X. Hobreigh

Ann Orts Knauth

Kathleen Kuchar

Mick Leo & Christine Rossi

Terri MacDonald

Georgia Mason

Nicola Mason

Patricia McCandless





Andrea Mastrangelo

Anne L. Morgan

National Philanthropic Trust

Mary Carroll Nelson

Nancy Egol Nikkal

North Beach Giving Fund

Linda Penrod

Win Ratz

Barbara Robertson

Barbara Jo Converse Stevens

Viola Memorial Fund

Jean Warren


Membership Sponsors:

Mary Carroll Nelson

Terri MacDonald

Mary Ann Beckwith

Kathleen Kuchar

Nancy Nikkal

Making a Donation to SLMM


SLMM, the society of layerists in multi-media, is a network of artists who share a holistic perspective as one, in which everything connects with everything else.  Neither time nor space are barriers to connectedness.  As an artist society dedicated to art education, your gift will be used to facilitate national and regional art exhibitions and art education in the form of workshops and lectures within our communities.


As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, all contributions to SLMM are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes to the extent allowed by applicable laws.


Please click here to make a donation.

Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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