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  past exhibitions 

More information and photographs can be found in the newsletter for the appropriate time period. newsletters



SLMM Kansas Members VIRTUAL Show

April 15 - May 15, 2020: SLMM Kansas members group show at Deines Cultural Center, Russell, KS canceled due to coronavirus, so created a virtual show. Read more in newsletter


SLMM Kansas Members MASK Show

Nov 1 - Dec 1, 2020: SLMM Kansas member group MASK show at Colby Community College. Show includes 2 pieces per artist plus the MASK piece that was created at Kathleen Kuchar's SLMM Studio Day in her Hays, KS studio. Each member who wanted to participate was given a 16"x16" cradle board and a paper mache life-sized face mask. Everyone created a work in their own style, their own design but using these items.  Read more in newsletter


"Layered Art, the Holistic Perspective"

SW/W Regional Exhibit, South Broadway Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM 



"Layering: Within and Without"

National Member Exhibit, Museum Contempo, Shelton, WA Read more in newsletter



"Merge IV"

National Member Exhibit, African American Performing Arts Center, Albuquerque, NM

Read more in newsletter



"Merge III"

SW/W Regional Exhibit, African American Performing Arts Center, Albuquerque, NM



"Merge II"

SW Regional Exhibit, African American Performing Arts Center, Albuquerque, NM



"Nature in Transition"

All Member Juried Show, Blue Heron Nature Preserve, Atlanta, GA



SW Regional Exhibit, African American Performing Arts Center, Albuquerque, NM



"The Omega and the Alpha: in the end is the beginning"

Southwest Regional Exhibition, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM


"New Mexico Artists of Enchantment"

SW Region Featured Exhibit, Hilltop Art Gallery, Ashland, OR




TX, OK, KS Regional Show, Dragonfly Gallery in Austin, TX



New Mexico local show, Unitarian Church in Albuquerque, NM


"Beneath the Surface"

Southwest Regional Show, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech University in Socorro, NM


Fall Show, Southern New Mexico Chapter, Rio Grande Theatre, Las Cruces, NM


New Mexico Regional Art Donation Project for the Center for Life at the Integrated Medicine Clinic of the University of New Mexico Health Science Center, Albuquerque, NM


SLMM Fall Exhibit

SW Regional Exhibition, Rio Grande Theatre Galleries, Las Cruces, NM



"Re–Emergence: Old to New"

Southern New Mexico Chapter, Tombaugh Gallery, Las Cruces, NM


"Tree of Life"

SW Region Art Installation Gift, Center for Life, Albuquerque, NM



"Beyond the I: From the Personal to the Cosmic"

Southwest Regional, The Arts Alliance Gallery, Albuquerque, NM


"Self Portrait: Looking Within"

Southern New Mexico Local Exhibition, Cobet Center, New Mexico State University, Los Cruces, NM


SLMM TX, KS, OK Regional Exhibition, 1550 Gallery, Kerrville, TX


SLMM CA & HI Charity Exhibtion,57 Underground, Pamona, CA




Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center, Fort Myers, FL



CA/HI Regional Exhibition, Pacific Grove Arts Center, CA



"Exploring Multiple Dimensions"

25th Anniversary Exhibition, The Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, NM


"The California Cooperative Art Project"

State Capitol Basement Gallery, Sacramento, CA


"Meaning, Myth and Mystery"

Midwest Regional Exhibition, LeFevre Hall Gallery, Ohio State University — Newark Campus , Newark, OH


"It's About Time"

Texas & Kansas Regional Exhibition, The Jung Center, Houston & Artists Showplace Gallery, Dallas, TX




Multiple sites in Lexington, KY


"Bridging Time and Space: California & Hawaii Layerists Create 2006"

California Regional, Chico Arts Center, Chico, CA& Falkirk Cultural Center, Falkirk, CA


"Soul Shrines"

New Mexico Regional, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM



New Mexico Regional, Arts Alliance Gallery, Albuquerque, NM


"Layerist Art"

Northwest Regional, Washington State University


"Seamless Robe"

Southwest Regional collaborative artwork show in Sedona, AZ



"On the Edge" 

Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, VA


"A Multiplicity of Vision"

California Regional, California State University Dominguez Hills


"Texas Connections"

Texas Regional, Art Institute of Houston, TX & Artist’s Showplace Gallery, Richardson, TX


"Masked and Unmasked"

Northeast Regional, McQuade Library Gallery, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA



"Healing Environments"

Blue Moon Gallery, Hot Springs, AR


"Bridging Time and Space: California Layerists Create"

California Regional, SomArts Bay Gallery, San Francisco, CA



Northeast Regional, Liebig Gallery, Mystic Art Association, Mystic, CT


Colorado Regionals, Karen White Gallery, Denver, CO and Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, CO


Publication: "The Art of Layering: Making Connections" Hardcover book co–edited by Mary Carroll Nelson and Nancy Dunaway, Published by The Society of Layerists in Multi–Media, Starline Printing, Albuquerque, NM



"Fire in the Heart: The Creative Spirit"

Schneider Museum of Art, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR


"Layered Images"

New Mexico Regional, South Broadway Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM



"Landscape and Memory"

Sedona Center for the Arts, Sedona, AZ


"Expressions of Change: Selections from the Society of Layerists in Multi-Media"

California Regional, Chico Arts Center, Chico, CA



"Selected Works from the Society of Layerists in Multi-Media"

Gallery of Contemporary Art, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado, curated by Director, Gerry Riggs


"Shadow and Light"

New Mexico Regional, South Broadway Cultural Center, Abluquerque, NM


"Tides of Change"

Rockport Center for the Arts, Rockport, TX, curated by staff


"Earth Spirit"

Heistand Galleries, Miami University, Oxford, OH, juried by Ellen Longsworth, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA



"The Birth of Wisdom"

La Chapelle Des Penitents, Gordes, France, and St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM, curated by Ilena Grayson


"Matters of the Heart"

Michigan Regional, Art on the Hill Gallery, Grand Rapids, MI


"Musings for the Millennium"

Ohio Regional, Pomerene Center for the Arts, Coshocton, OH



Nabisco Headquarters Gallery, East Hanover, New Jersey, curated by Marlene Lenker and Nancy Nikkal with extended travel to Garde Art Center, New London, CT. and Temple B'nai Jeshurun, Short Hills, NJ



"Bridging Time and Space: The Power of Image and Word"

Dominican College, San Rafael, CA, curated by Juliet Wood



"Celtic Connections"

Laura Knott Art Gallery, Bradford College, Bradford, MA., curated by Richard Newman


Publication: "Bridging Time and Space: Essays on Layered Art"Hardcover book edited by Ann Bellinger Hartley, Markowitz Publishing, Maui, HI



"Guardian Spirits"

St. Peter's and St. Paul's Church, Marlborough, England, curated by membership of SLMM



"Layers: Mining the Unconscious"

Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM, curated by Director


"The Tree of Life"

Instituto Allende, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, organized by Ilena Grayson



(traveling exhibition) The Open Art Center, Old Saybrook, CT



"Layers of Life"

Reynolds-Heller Gallery, Columbus, OH



(traveling exhibition) Union Colony Civic Center, Greeley, CO. & St. John's College, Sante Fe, NM, curated by Richard Newman



"The Layered Perspective"

The Walton Arts Center & the Fine Arts Gallery, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, coordinated by Betty Keisel, curators, Rebecca A. Johnson & Jacqueline Golden


National Symposium, "Artists of the Spirit"

Fayetteville, AR, based on the book ARTISTS OF THE SPIRIT, by Mary Carroll Nelson



Laura Knott Art Gallery, Bradford College, Bradford, MA., curated by Richard Newman


"SLMM Group Exhibition, New Mexico"

Fuller Lodge Art Gallery, Los Alamos, NM, curated by Patricia Chavez, Director


"Southwest Visions"

Regional Exhibition, Johnson- Humrickhouse Museum, Roscoe Village, Coshocton, OH, coordinated by Dorothea Bluck, Marilyn Stocker & Juanita Williams




Dartmouth Street Gallery, Albuquerque, NM, curated by John Cacciatore, Director



Ohio SLMM Members, Denison Art Gallery, Denison University, Granville, OH, curated by Jane M. Cook and Jeny Reynolds



"The Universal Link" and "Art is For Healing"

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, curated by Delda Skinner


National Symposium, "Affirming Wholeness, The Art and Healing Experience"

San Antonio, TX, coordinated by Delda Skinner



"The Society of Layerists in Multi-Media"

Fuller Lodge Art Center, Los Alamos, NM, Patricia Chavez, director


"The Healing Project"

Laura Knott Art Gallery, Bradford College, Bradford, MA, curated by Richard Newman


"Layering, A Gathering of Voices"

Marin County Civic Arts Galleries, San Rafael, CA, curated by Pauline Eaton


Publication: "Layering, An Art of Time and Space", catalog edited by Ann Bellinger Hartley



"Layerists, Level to Level"

Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, Roscoe Village, Coshocton, OH, curated by Midge Derby, Director


Video: "Layering"

produced by Schneider Creative, Mary Carroll Nelson, editor


National Symposium, "Art and Healing"

with AMERICAN ARTIST MAGAZINE, New Harmony, IN, coordinated by Mary Carroll Nelson



"Shrines and Sacred Spaces"

with selected members of SLMM, Albuquerque, NM, curated by Mary Carroll Nelson




Zanesville Art Center, Zanesville, OH and the Stifel Fine Arts Center, Wheeling, WV, curated by Dr. Charles Dietz, Director with Mary Todd Beam & Sally Emslie


Catalogue, "Layering/Connecting"

designed and edited by Marilyn Hughey Phillis



"Layering: Approaching the 'Layer' as a Formal Element and a Significant Metaphor

in Artmaking"

by Mary Carroll Nelson, LEONARDO JOURNAL



"Layering, An Art of Time and Space"

invitational national exhibition, The Albuquerque Museum, NM, Mary Carroll Nelson, guest curator, (published catalogue)



Founded in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1982, by Mary Carroll Nelson

Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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