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 SLMM membership 

SLMM is a non-competitive art society that curates art exhibitions throughout the United States and the SLMM Website Gallery.


Discover the promise of shared ideas, techniques, and philosophies that nurture a camaraderie and appreciation amongst its members. No awards or ribbons are presented.


SLMM membership is open to all interested persons. Dues are $50 per year (individual), or $75 per couple; a membership renewal form must be filled out every year.

Membership Highlights

  • Weekly online meetings for critiques of new work, optional group projects and challenges, learning new techniques through member-led demos, and open studios over Zoom.

  • Ongoing national and local exhibitions in museums, public and private galleries

  • Access to YouTube tutorials and discussions related to improving technique, presentation, and visibility

  • Monthly online book club meetings to discuss artists’ written works and recent book reviews

  • National conferences with keynote speakers, guest artists and workshops

  • Ongoing member-only shows exhibited on the website (Members News, Calendar, and Artists pages listed on the website)


SLMM serves as an educational society and a network for artists interested in a holistic perspective to art. National exhibitions are held in museums and public or collegiate galleries, as well as regional shows according to specific guidelines. All exhibitions are juried and intended to demonstrate the underlying holistic premise of SLMM with no competitiveness or award presentations.


SLMM has produced several books, videos, and catalogues. The website is a continually updated source of information of member's activities and includes several newsletters published throughout the year. The website is open to all members who wish to submit items of interest for inclusion in the newsletter or the member news section. All members are welcome to participate in the artist links and the ‘artist pages’ profiles, as well as the forum (members only access).


National conferences are held annually in different geographical locations throughout the United States and all members are encouraged to attend. The conferences are opportunities for interaction among members, exchanging ideas and techniques, sharing adventures, and networking with guest artists / workshop instructors and keynote speakers.


SLMM is a 501(c)(3) non–profit organization founded in May 1982 in the state of New Mexico.


Please contact us with any questions about joining SLMM!



Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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