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 SLMM Guidelines for Regional and National Shows 


1. Purpose of a SLMM exhibition

2. Selection of Venue

3. Entry Fees and Expenses 
4. Income and Expense Settlement
5. Sales of Artwork

6. Selection of Juror
7. Guidelines for the Juror
8. Eligibility
9. Presentation Material

Purpose of a SLMM Exhibition

To display art by members that showcase professional level work with the intent of educating the public as to the mission of SLMM and its member’s unique approach to creative expression. 


Selection of Venue

Acceptable venues for conducting SLMM events would include but are not limited to: museums, galleries, libraries, schools, conference rooms, lobbies, airports, or municipalities. 

The pre–requisite would be that it is a reputable location that will protect the integrity of SLMM and that both the host and coordinator have a mutual agreement and clear understanding of the proposed activities and responsibilities. 


Entry Fees and Expenses

SLMM events must be self–supporting. Participating members are required to pay an entry fee that has been calculated to cover the costs of the exhibition, i.e., space rental, advertising, postage, supplies, refreshments, entertainment, catering, security, etc. 


Income and Expense Settlement

Coordinators should report all income and expenses to the Executive Administrator immediately following each event. A hotlink to print an Income and Expense Settlement Report will be available at a later date on the website. 

The income and expense settlement report should include the following:  Coordinator Name, Date, & Location of Event Names of Participating Members Entry Fees Collected and Costs Incurred

Signature & Date (note: All supporting detail must be attached, i.e., venue contracts, if any, purchase receipts, invoices, reimbursements, etc.)


• Sales of artwork should not be documented or reported to the Executive Administer as income.

• Regional or individual checking accounts, petty cash, slush, or fractional funds are prohibited.

• Every event should be self supporting, no more, no less.


Sales of Artwork

The members themselves, are allowed to sell their own artwork on their own behalf. The sale transaction should be solely between the member and the prospective buyer and should be conducted with discretion. Public displays of "price lists" or "art for sale signs" or any other deliberate solicitation would not be in good judgment. In other words, in all circumstances, give honor to the premise that "…SLMM serves as an educational society and a network for artists interested in a holistic perspective to art." 

The member is entirely responsible for the collection of monies, the reporting of the income for individual Federal and State Income Tax Returns and the reporting of any sales tax collected. SLMM can in no way be part of the equation and still maintain its non–profit status. 

EXCEPTION: If a venue becomes available, such as an art gallery or other retail organization that operates on the commission of fine art sales (sales focused & for profit), an arrangement for handling sales could be negotiated between the Regional Coordinator, on behalf of the Members, and the gallery (or other host) in one of several methods. For example: 


• The gallery (or other host) offers the space and will have its staff available to potential buyers, handle the promotion and preparation, and absorb most or all of the expense in exchange for a predetermined percentage of the sales made (i.e., 50:50%, 40:60%, or 30:70% split). 

The gallery (or other host) accepts the responsibility for the collection of monies from any sale, the reporting of the income and any applicable sales tax collected and issues payment to the member for their commissioned percentage of the sale. The member would only be responsible for the reporting of his or her commissioned portion of the sale on their individual income tax return. All sales are between the gallery (or other host) and the member. 


SLMM would collect an entry fee from each participating member that is calculated according to projected expenses not covered by the gallery (or other host). All events must be self–supporting. 


• The gallery (or other host) offers their space for a rental or show fee but covers little or none of the expense in exchange for a lesser split of sales (i.e., 10:90%, 20:80%, or 30:70% split).

The gallery (or other host) accepts the responsibility for the collection of monies from any sale, the reporting of the income and any applicable sales tax collected, and issues payment to the member for their commissioned percentage of the sale. The member would only be responsible for the reporting of his or her commissioned portion of the sale on their individual income tax return. All sales are between the gallery (or other host) and the member. 

SLMM would handle the promotion and preparation, absorb most or all of the expenses, collect an entry fee that is calculated according to projected expenses from each participating member. Again, all events should be self–supporting. 


Note: since an artist is classified as a "manufacturer of fine art," the gallery (or other host) is not obligated by law to issue an annual Form 1099–Misc Income statement to participating members.


Selection of Juror

Ideally, the exhibition venue would jury the show using a staff member or hire an independent juror. Selected jurors should be familiar with different media and should understand and honor the premise of the Society and the theme chosen for the exhibition when making their selections. In the event a juror request payment for their services, the fee should be included when calculating the member entry fee.


Guidelines for the Juror

The juror should be provided with sufficient material to acquaint him or her with the SLMM goals and philosophy. The jury process should be held in a timely manner to minimize the length of time the work is held. 

For Regional Exhibitions, the local representative(s) should review the digital entries and images before they are sent to the juror and reject entries that are lacking in quality or are not appropriate to the show theme. 

For National Exhibitions, the board may choose to appoint a committee to review entries before they go to the juror.


Presentation Material

SLMM publications: "Bridging Time & Space", "The Art of Layering: Making Connections", "Visual Journeys," are excellent promotional materials in securing regional and national exhibitions .  Also, a link to the most recent national shows is located in a drop down menu on the SLMM website, > national events.

Amended February 18, 2011

Amended April 17, 2014

Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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