It's time to celebrate our connections in PERSON! SLMM Conference is BACK! Don't miss out on the exciting workshops, tours, dinners, gatherings and SLMM National Exhibit, reception and banquet at the Hays Arts Council.
2025 Conference: To The Stars
Location: Hays, KS
Dates: September 16, 17, 18, 19, 2025
REGISTER ONLINE BY JULY 1ST. Link to Registration form
2018 National Conference
Tacoma, Washington
August 23-26, 2018
The annual national SLMM conference is an important event as it provides us with the opportunity to connect with our fellow SLMM members, to renew old friendships and make new ones. This year’s conference did not disappoint. Held at the Hotel Murano, downtown and within walking distance to wonderful art and architecture, the venue houses its own collection of glass works which are exhibited on each floor and in the lobby.

2017 National Conference:
Enchanting Layers in New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
September 20-23, 2017
Wednesday through Saturday were days filled with wonderful activities. On Wednesday SLMMers gathered from far and wide to honor our founder, Mary Carroll Nelson, and to celebrate the 35th anniversary of our organization. Please check out the links below for more images from the conference as well as information, thoughts, and reflection.

2016 National Conference:
...nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning
Asheville, North Carolina
September 28 - October 2, 2016
What a fantastic time we had in Asheville! This year's four-day conference had it all, including the unveiling of the newest SLMM book, "Unique Insights". Check out the links below for images, info, and more.

2015 National Conference
San Francisco, California
September 23-27, 2015
We had a rich and rewarding conference with sunny and warm weather the whole time. Those of us who were on the planning committee were very happy with how things went and so pleased to host those members who came. Thanks to everyone who contributed to make the conference a big success! Please see the links below for images from the conference, and check out the Fall 2015 Newsletter for additional information, thoughts, and reflection.

2014 National Conference:
There's No Place Like Home
Hays, Kansas
October 1-5, 2014
The 5 day National Conference featured speakers, workshops, tours, and studio visits. The Dual National Exhibitions were hosted at the Hays Arts Center, Hays Kansas from August 22nd – October 5th. See the September 2014 Newsletter for more on the exhibitions.

2013 National Conference:
Nature in Transition
Atlanta, Georgia
September 21 - November 21, 2013
The 2013 National Conference included in all member exhibition at the Blue Heron Nature Preserve in Atlanta, GA.

Past National Conferences
2012 (October) Taos, NM, 30th Anniversary Celebration
2011 (October) Albuquerque, NM, Annual Board Meeting
2010 (September) Austin, TX
2009 (July) Los Angeles, CA
2008 (April) Fort Myers, FL
2007 (July) Albuquerque, NM, 25th Anniversary Celebration
2006 (October) Lexington, KY
There is a $500 Travel Grant to attend a SLMM National Conference open to all SLMM Members. Click for more details.