Kathleen Kuchar
The paintings on this page are all 12” x 12” acrylic collages. Each painting has evolved through a series of layers of collage materials and acrylic paint. For the collage items, I often cut up monotypes and watercolor paintings that failed to make the grade. Occasionally I will add other items that seem to fit the composition, such as a key or a hunk of cardboard or a map or puzzle piece. I work with the painting as long as it takes—sometimes a year or more! Some paintings seem to “click” and I am finished in record time but that is very rare. Usually the paintings evolve over time and I fine tune until they tell me when to stop.
Over the years my artwork has changed in style but never in content. I love to play with shapes and colors and am comfortable with mixed media. Layering is essential as it is what makes my work rich in content. It amazes me that a painting sometimes reveals a “surprise” symbol or added meaning long after the work has left the easel.
I attribute my quest for discovery to my early years. Raised on a Nebraska farm, my fondest memories are riding my pony and helping dad with the fieldwork and livestock. My brother, sister and I invented our own games and spent a lot of time making igloos, playhouses and forts. At the one-room country school, the teacher encouraged me to draw and create when I finished my bookwork. It was nice to be the only kid in my class for all eight years. As a four-year old child, I remember telling my parents that I was going to be an artist and teacher. Thanks to their love and support, my dream came true. I earned art degrees from Kearney State College in Nebraska, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas, and Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. I taught high school art for two years followed by 34 years of teaching painting and design at Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas, retiring in 2001. Now I enjoy traveling, working in the studio, attending SLMM conferences, and exhibiting my work.
I have been a long-time member of the Society of Layerists in Multi-Media. This group has provided me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful artists who have become life-long friends. The meetings we have, the books that we publish, the website—all are so important in our goal of staying “connected.”
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Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.