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 about SLMM 

The Society of Layerists in Multi-Media is a non-profit organization intended to serve as a network for artists who express a holistic perspective. The layering process is individualistic, but there are relationships among Layerists’ techniques. They frequently add or take away material, layer by layer as an analogue for aspects of nature, and the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Most Layerists are mature, proficient artists who have achieved a meditative level of creativity. They imbue their work with meaning. Therefore, we say that it is not the technique that distinguishes a layered work of art so much as the mind of the artist who creates it. The layers we refer to are both physical and metaphorical.


SLMM was founded in 1982 by Mary Carroll Nelson in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Membership is open to everyone.

Joining SLMM

SLMM is a non-competitive art society that curates art exhibitions throughout the United States and the SLMM Website Gallery.


Discover the promise of shared ideas, techniques, and philosophies

that nurture a camaraderie and appreciation amongst its members.

No awards or ribbons are presented.​



“SLMM is a whole lot more than what is on the surface.  It’s not just about art exchange, artwork, critiques and resumes.  It’s more of a connection where the members are on the same level of interest, connected by thoughts much like being on the same radio wavelength.


SLMM means more to me than you can put in a premise.  It’s deeper, more unique and soul searching.  The connections I have made with other SLMM members means the world to me. I love all of these people!”​​


— Kathleen Kuchar, member since 1990


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Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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