2016 National Conference
...nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning
What a fantastic time we had in Asheville.
Members toured the beautiful Biltmore House and learned that it is one big house to dust, had a fantastic lunch at Deerpark and sampled wine at the Biltmore Winery. Had fun on the bus to downtown Asheville, saw a great demonstration at the Lexington Glass Works and demos at the River Arts District. We saw beautiful crafts at the New Morning Art Gallery and helped the local economy in the many wonderful small shops. Riding the HopOn-HopOff was a fun way to get around town.
It was my pleasure to be able to share Asheville with many long time friends and meet new first time members to our conferences. I am already looking forward to our SLMM 2017 Conference. Thanks to everyone for a great four-day conference.
Ann Hartley
"Unique Insights" Unveiled
“Unique Insights” was unveiled at the national conference in Asheville to the oohs and aahs of those in attendance. It is beautifully illustrated with SLMM members work along with individual statements and additional information in the preface by Jaleh Etemad, President, and foreward by SLMM Founder, Mary Carroll Nelson. There is also an excellent history of SLMM provided by life-time member, Carleen Hearn. This book is the fourth one that SLMM has published. It was a momentous venture resulting in a book that we can all be proud of.
Members are encouraged to purchase copies of the book directly from our publishing company, The University of New Mexico Press. Ordering information can be found by clicking here.

Please check out the photo gallery below for images from the conference, and the Fall 2016 Newsletter for additional information, thoughts, and reflection.