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2015 SLMM National Conference


San Francisco, CA

September 23-27, 2015


We had a rich and rewarding conference with sunny and warm weather the whole time. The welcoming reception gave us a chance to begin conversations and work on the collaborative Art Scroll together. The next day began with the peaceful and meditative visit to Grace Cathedral and the indoor and outdoor labyrinths. On to the DeYoung and Legion of Honor Museums to enjoy the collections and take in the beautiful sweeping view of the Pacific Ocean as the bus took us from Lands End back to the hotel. The evening was full: the banquet, the speaker, Jeremy Taylor, and the exchange of the 10”x 10” suitcase art works.


Varied experiences were enjoyed the next day at the Asian Art Museum, a mural tour and Instant Mural Workshop in the art-filled Mission District. A highlight at the end of the day was the viewing of Diego Rivera’s monumental Mural of Pan American Unity at City College, with a fascinating docent talk by Diana Scott of the Art Department.


Our last full day began with a trip across the San Mateo Bridge to Oakland, where we had our outdoor meeting in a courtyard of the Oakland Museum. There was a good discussion about membership, whether to maintain the hierarchies of full and associate members, or have mentorship offered as an opportunity when people choose it. We viewed the exhibits and collections and went on an Art Walk to galleries in one of Oakland’s art districts, ending with dinner at a new Mexican restaurant specializing in Oaxacan dishes. Our trip back to the hotel took us over the dramatic and beautiful new Bay Bridge. There was more work on the Art Scroll the following day for those who had time before leaving. Being able to see old friends and acquaintances and meet new members was the heart of the conference, of course. Those of us who were on the planning committee were very happy with how things went and were so pleased to host those members who came. Thanks to everyone who contributed to make the conference a big success!


Jenny Sultan Badger




The Loveliness of SLMMers was written and performed by Dereama Allenbaugh at the banquet. Accompanied by Charles Eaton on the banjo, and Jaleh looking on in amazement! Please click the play button here to listen.


Check out the photo gallery below for images from the conference, and the October Newsletter for additional information, thoughts, and reflection.



Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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