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the SLMM

The Society of Layerists in Multi–Media (SLMM) is a network for artists who express a holistic perspective in any style or medium. Layering is not a label for a specific technique, such as collage. It is a way to think about creating art as a synthesis of ideas from many sources: the sciences, philosophy, metaphysics, experience, and imagination. The layers in Layered art are the references and meaning that the artist brings to the work rather than the materials used to create it. As a society, we are focused on the intentions of the artist.


Layering is an evanescent metaphor that grows like moss from living and learning. Often there is a sense of something "other" than the visible in Layered art. The kinship among Layerists is their openness to inspiration from all aspects of their lives and their shared perception of an underlying connectedness to everything.


— Mary Carroll Nelson,

SLMM founder


Calendar of Events

View the SLMM Calendar here to see upcoming events and opportunities to connect, like our popular Open Studios.


Check out the most recent Fall 2024 Newsletter, Vol. 119.


You can view the newsletter archives here.

web gallery project

January theme: Lost Path

Every quarter, a new Web Gallery is exhibited. Click the button above to preview our latest Web Gallery Project, and learn more.

(above) January Web Gallery exhibit

click here to view the web gallery page

latest news

2025 SLMM Conference: 
To The Stars


It's time to celebrate our connections in PERSON! SLMM Conference is BACK! Don't miss out on the exciting workshops, tours, dinners, gatherings and SLMM National Exhibit, reception and banquet at the


To The Stars

Location: Hays, KS

Dates: September 16, 17, 18, 19, 2025

Link to Schedule

REGISTER ONLINE BY JULY 1ST. Link to Registration form

What SLMM Means to Me

"While I was writing my senior honors paper (at Bryn Mawr) on the relation between the holy and the secular, I struggled with the limitations of words as a way of shaping my understanding of existence...I realized that visual images could provide a very direct means of exploring the kinds of metaphysical questions that interest me...Through my work I express my intuitions about the relationships of self to world, spirit to matter, change to order, eternity to time.


Each new work contains a metaphor for the multiple shapes of reality. My whole way of working reflects this search for the reality beyond appearances. The creative process itself contains many layers of meaning which are incorporated in the work...In a visual image the idea is incarnate in matter, so the choice of technical process profoundly affects the final statement.


Layering as a conceptual basis for composition should be reflected in its material counterpart, the physical media and techniques used to give it concrete form. Maintaining this direct relation between the shape of the idea and the means of expression produces a corresponding integrity in the visual image..."

— Ruth Meredith newsletter archives

SLMM Logo showing branches connecting and overlapping to represent our connections as members.

SLMM is a 501(c)3 non–profit organization founded in May 1982 in the state of New Mexico.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Copyrights in the works of art and the images displayed on this site are held by the artists creating the works, and display on this Website is solely by permission of the artists. No right is conferred to reproduce these images, either digitally or in print, except with the express permission of the artists.

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